Government Services provides specialized information services to state government employees and the public and maintains several collections including Federal and Oregon documents.

The State Library of Oregon is home to multiple collections that serve the information needs of Oregonians.
Federal Documents Collections:
As the Regional Federal Depository Library for the State of Oregon, the State Library coordinates with other federal depository libraries to provide citizens with access to documents distributed by the U.S. Government Publishing Office as well as any federal government information made freely available on the Internet.
Oregon Documents Collections:
The Oregon Documents Depository Program provides permanent public access to publications of Oregon state government agencies. Oregon government publications include reports, audits, guides, newsletters, brochures, maps and more. Print publications are available at the State Library and at our depository libraries around the state. Digital publications are available from the State Library's digital collections. Find out more.
Special Collections:
Special Collections at the State Library of Oregon contains historical Oregon-related materials that are rare, fragile, or unique. The collection includes copy 1 Oregon Depository and Federal Depository documents published prior to 1980, historic Oregon maps, photographs, books, and manuscripts.
Digital Collections:
The Digital Collections contain publications on all aspects of Oregon history and culture, with an emphasis on Oregon state government publications. It includes current and historical state government publications, as well as a collection of selected federal government publications with a focus on Oregon and the Pacific Northwest and a collection of selected non-governmental historical publications about Oregon.
Use the catalog to search all of these collections in one place.
InterLibrary Loan
For State of Oregon Employees, this service supplies articles, books, reports, and more in support of your work-related information needs. Requests are filled from our collection or through partnership within the larger library network and may be available the same day or longer based on availability.
For members of the public, contact your local library to place an InterLibrary Loan request for items in our collection. Alternatively, individuals can make appointments to view materials on-site by calling, 503-378-8800 or by completing this form.
Research Support
The State Library strives to connect State of Oregon employees, officials, and legislators to resources and services that support informed decision-making.
State Employees have access to library resources that include agency publications, journal articles, research reports, language learning tools, news media access, professional development training materials and other services to help them in their work supporting the citizens of Oregon.
Librarians are available to assist and give guidance for any research or information needs State Employees may have. Find your librarian.
eClips is a daily news clipping service & blog that highlights articles related to the business of Oregon State Government. State Library of Oregon eClips provides an environmental scan of news pertaining to the business and operation of Oregon State Government each business day from a selected set of Oregon and national newspapers.
For more information, see the eClips FAQ, which include sourcing, editorial policy, and contact information.
State of Oregon employees can choose from a variety of classes that provide instruction in effective use of library resources, tools, and services. For a full listing of course offerings please visit our instruction calendar.
Classes are typically offered online however, in person & specialized trainings can be arranged for your agency. We also maintain topical information guides.